10 Small Desks to Help You Get All Your Work Done Without Taking Up Precious Square Feet / by William Goodman

Where do you work these days? Sure, you can sit in bed with your laptop or park yourself on the couch, but that’s not nearly as effective as sitting at a dedicated workspace that gets you into the right headspace to work efficiently. Let’s face it, not every seating area in your home is meant to be a makeshift office. That doesn’t mean you can’t find a solution, however.

Enter, the tiny desk. No, not the titular NPR show, but rather, small desks that can help you better maximize the area you do have. Clever options like floating desks, ladder desks and the common writing desk are perfect work stations, and they have a small physical footprint. No matter how much square footage you have to spare, we’re confident you can find a small desk for your home.

With this in mind, we’ve rounded up 10 of the best small desks on the market in order for you to get your tasks accomplished. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, we recently wrote about our favorite drafting tables, which can also function as small desks for your home office. Our selections, below.