All of the Ways 'Watchmen' Episode 2 Connects to the Comic, Explained / by William Goodman

Those looking for answers to the myriad of questions posed in last week's Watchmen pilot got a little bit of satisfaction during tonight's ep—which also, inevitably, opened up a whole other can of worms. Once again directed by Nicole Kassell from a script written by series creator Damon Lindelof (co-written with Nick Cuse), episode 2 or “Martial Feats of Comanche Horsemanship,” pulls back its scope to focus more on Regina King's fiery protagonist Angela/Sister Night and the event that led to her donning a mask and costume in the first place. Let’s take a look at the most interesting aspects of this episode, the questions they answer and the new ones they pose, and their larger connections to the comic book.

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