We know that exercise is key to a longer and healthier life, but getting to the gym can sometimes get in the way of life. Or at least, that’s what it can feel like. If you’re short on time and patience but want to get a good workout in, even at home, then it’s time to consider the humble kettlebell.
The benefits of compound, whole body movements typically associated with kettlebell training are widely accepted to be far superior to standard gym machines that only work one muscle group at a time. Why waste energy and time when you can work on improving muscle tone, cardio, strength and body composition with a single piece of equipment?
If, however, you’ve never grabbed a kettlebell by the horn, it might seem intimidating. But we’re here to assuage your fears, once you’ve got the hang of it, you’ll wonder why you didn’t switch to kettlebells years ago. Best of all, kettlebell training doesn’t impact your joints the way other cardio does, and actually strengthens your joints.
So what are you waiting for? Here are eight solid options to get you started.