Hurom’s Automatic Juicer Will Elevate Your Juicing Experience / by William Goodman


A lot of us grow up drinking juice. Of course, the juice boxes you loved as a kid probably had more in common with soda than they do with healthy cold-pressed juices. As we get older and our palettes and waistlines expand, we trade those sugary juice drinks for something a little more fresh. Which is where investing in a good juicer can make a huge difference.

Of course, the best juicers can be expensive, which is why we jumped at the chance to test Hurom’s Citrus Juicer.

Sitting right at $150, the Hurom unit is still a bit of an investment, but it’s a more than worthwhile kitchen gadget. At first glance, the unit is small. That’s especially helpful for city-dwellers with small apartments who lack counter space and storage. The juicer itself, even with the handle up, fits nicely into an under sink storage area (or similar space) so it’s easy to stow away once you’re done juicing.

Read the full story here.