NutriBullet’s Juicer Pro is a Great Entry-Level Juicer for Anyone Looking to Eat (or Drink) Better in 2020 / by William Goodman


We’ve heard time and time again just how important it is to eat your fruits and veggies. But there’s an inherent difficulty in making sure the act of doing this happens every single day. Sure, you can cook them, but that takes time. You can buy salads but that can get pricey. So what’s a modern man to do? Juice. Juicing is an effective way to get those critical nutrients, but it can be expensive to not only buy bottles of juice but also a juicer itself. Well, at least it was until NutriBullet stepped into the ring.

NutriBullet, famous for its affordable and effective blenders, is now expanding into the juicer market. In mid-August, the company launched two different models — the NutriBullet Juicer and NutriBullet Juicer Pro — taking their first step into the juicing space. SPY was lucky enough to receive a Pro model for review and based on about a week’s worth of time with the unit, we’re pretty impressed with the intersection of quality and affordability.

Read the full story here.