Founding father Benjamin Franklin once said that the only things that were certain were death and taxes. While that axiom is still true today, we’d like to think there’s a little wiggle room to include shaving in that list. Even if you’re trying to grow a beard that would envy that of Rip Van Winkle, you’ll probably have to shave at some point or another. So when that moment arises, why waste time going to the drug store to pick up–and probably overpay–on a razor and shaving cream when you can just have it all sent to you?
Enter: Shave clubs. By providing a subscription service that mails you new razors each month, shave clubs eliminate all the hassle of that drug store experience, so you can just, you know, shave. To that end, many clubs now can even send you pre-and post-shaving balms, facial moisturizers and more depending on what you need, all focused on ease of use. But we’re taking an easy process and making it even easier. By rounding up five of the top shaving clubs available, all that’s left is for you to focus on getting your best shave possible. Our picks, below.