The Best 4K Blu-Ray Players for Your Favorite Physical Media / by William Goodman

As great as streaming services are, there’s still a time and a place for physical media in 2020. Whether you’re collecting the Criterion Collection, have a robust Steelbook compilation, or want to make sure you can watch your favorite TV show without worrying about whether or not it’s on Netflix, investing in a physical media player is essential. And the best of the best is a 4K player.

You might know that Blu-ray players are high-definition media players, but a 4K player is a step above HD. In fact, 4K is also known as Ultra High Definition (UHD) and provides more clarity, more color, and an overall better quality image for your favorite piece of media. If you have or are planning to get a 4K TV, this is the physical player you’ll need to purchase to get the most out of your TV.

The desire for physical media is decreasing, so there aren’t as many companies making 4K players as there once was for DVD players. You’ll see a few brands repeated here, but each fulfills a specific need. With all that said, here are the seven best 4K Blu-Ray players to buy right now.

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