I’ve written before about how much of Better Call Saul plays with the ideas of duality. However, if this week’s episode — expertly directed by first-timer Melissa Bernstein (a long time producer on Breaking Bad, Saul, and El Camino) and writer Alison Tatlock — perhaps proved to us the show is not so much about duality as a three-head-monster. The “JMM” that this episode draw’s its title from was previously understood to be “James Morgan McGill” was then shifted to “Justice Matter Most” to its now final meaning: “Just Make Money.” This evolving nomenclature could just as easily be applied to the three phases of Jimmy’s (Bob Odenkirk) life as Jimmy McGill, Saul Goodman, and the man we’ll later come to know as Cinnabon Gene. The consequences of Jimmy Morgan McGill led to Saul Goodman’s “Justice Matters Most,” which begets “Just Make Money,” which eventually leads to Gene and a life of looking over his shoulder. The root of that eventual outcome begins, in full, here.