The Best Shirt Hangers for Men Who Actually Like Their Shirts / by William Goodman

If you have a selection of shirts you love in your closet, you should store them on hangers that are worthy of them—and, to be clear, that means you should put as much thought into acquiring them as you did on the shirts themselves. Investing in upgraded shirt hangers is a fast and easy way to extend the life of your clothing by ensuring your shirts, you know, actually hang correctly.

Simple swaps, like opting for a hanger constructed from fabric-covered plastic or wood, can actually extend the life of your clothing considerably. If you use a material that actually grips the fabric of a shirt, you’ll prevent them from slipping off and getting crushed on the floor of your closet. And having sufficiently wide hangers will keep your shoulders supported and can help the rest of your shirt stay smooth and free of wrinkles.

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