You Don’t Need to Play to Wear One of These 10 Stylish Rugby Shirts / by William Goodman


Despite their name, you don’t need to actually play rugby to wear a rugby shirt. Sure, the shirts have their origins in the thrilling and violent game, but starting in the 1950s, the shirts started to find a place outside of the game for recreational wear.

Initially made from durable, heavyweight cotton to ensure they could handle the rough and tumble conditions of the game, the shirts have become a more than viable option for those who want a thick layer to wear in the colder months. The inherently preppy look of the shirt make for a stylish option that doesn’t require a lot of work, as well. So, in honor of this versatile shirt, we’ve rounded up ten of the best rub shirts around. Take a look at our favorite modern-day takes on the shirt to help you bring some rugged swagger to your closet — regardless of whether or not you’ve ever stepped on a field. 

Read the full story here.